Establishment of companies

Do you plan to start a new business and start a business? Contact us and choose the form for a future legal entity (it may be an individual company, a small partnership, a private limited liability company, a public company, an association, a public institution, a cooperative company, a true partnership, charity and support fund, branch of a legal entity, representation, etc. .) and we will help you to register the company in the Register of Legal Entities in the shortest time (usually it takes 3-5 business days).


If you do not have an address to register a company, we will provide the address of the registered office in Vilnius or Vilnius district (there is the possibility to use the set-up costs compensation or EU support for specific projects).

Step one

Introduce the company name. The name of the legal entity must be drawn up in accordance with the norms of the Lithuanian language of the common language and can’t consist solely of the common word (s) indicating the type of activity or type of service or only from the place name or only from a different word which does not have a distinctive character. Also, the name should not contradict public order or good morals and mislead the public as to the identity of the founder, participant, home, purpose, legal form, identity or similarity of the legal person with the names of other legal persons, names of foreign companies, institutions and organizations that are more familiar to the public in Lithuania, service marks.


The registry administrator temporarily writes the name into the Register only after having received a confirmation from the State Language Commission that the title corresponds to the norms of the Common Language of Lithuania.

Step two

We prepare all the founding documents, you have only to sign them. The founding documents are an act of incorporation or founding agreement, statutes (regulations), protocols and other documents. The company’s agreement (act) grants the right to open a cumulative account with the bank established by the company.

Step three

Approval of establishment documents in the notary’s office and submission to the State Enterprise Center of Registers.

Upon registering the company, we can produce a stamp if the company carries out a business with a stamp.


The most popular type of company in Lithuania is UAB (private limited liability company). The formation of a limited liability company requires the formation of a share capital of a minimum amount of 2500 Eur. If you do not have the cash to pay the authorized capital, we can offer you to buy already established companies that have not yet been operating. In this case, you only need to sign a stock purchase agreement. A stock purchase agreement is approved by a notary.

Reorganization of enterprises

An individual company may be converted into a public limited liability company, a private limited liability company, as well as a public body or a small partnership. From the date of the decision to reorganize the individual company, the individual company acquires the status of a transformed individual enterprise. An individual company may be converted into a public limited liability company or a private limited liability company if the assets of the individual enterprise, minus all liabilities of the individual enterprise, are not less than the minimum amount of authorized capital established by the Law on Joint Stock Companies or a private limited liability company. The documents establishing the legal entity of the new legal form are registered in the Register of Legal Persons and the data of the Register of Legal Entities are changed after the new legal form of the legal person’s management bodies has been elected, the balance of the adjusted individual enterprise has been completed, the legal acts established with the transformation into a new legal form the conditions related to the legal person, as well as the documents specified in legal acts submitted to the Register of Legal Entities.


A private limited liability company may be converted into a public company, a state enterprise, a municipal enterprise, an agricultural company, a cooperative company (cooperative), a real partnership, a limited partnership, an individual company, a public institution, a small partnership. Insolvent company can’t be reorganized. The decision to reorganize the company is adopted by the general shareholders’ meeting. A document confirming the decision to reorganize a company must be submitted to the Register of Legal Entities not later than on the first day of the public announcement. From the date of the decision to reorganize the company, it acquires the legal status of the company being restructured.


A small partnership can be transformed into practically any legal entity of any legal form. A small partnership may be transformed into a public limited liability company or private limited company in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania on the restructuring of a legal entity in another legal form into a company.

The Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania stipulates that the participants of a transformed legal entity are responsible for the obligations of a legal person that has arisen until the registration of a legal entity in the Register Center of a new legal form (regardless of whether the owner has become a shareholder of the restructured company) for 3 years after the transformation.


Our lawyers prepare initial transformation documents and coordinate with the notary, register the legal entity in the Center of Registers (3 business days), prepare a public announcement about the decision on the conversion. We prepare the rest of the company’s transformation documents (statutes, certificates, etc.) and agree with the notary. Reorganization ends with the registration of notarized documents in the Center of Registers (3 business days).

Business sales, auditing services

We prepare share purchase agreements, we also offer to buy already established companies. In this case, you save time, do not care about capital formation. We carry out an audit of the bookkeeping transactions of our clients, provide conclusions and recommendations to shareholders and managers.

Accounting services

Inpaklis JSC has many years of experience in the field of bookkeeping. We provide comprehensive accounting services by contract, from the initial processing of accounting documents to the submission of financial analysis. The terms of cooperation are determined individually, taking into account the specifics of the company’s operations, the number of employees, the complexity of operations, etc.

We accept client documents also online using modern technologies.

For our regular customers, we provide tax advice for free.


We give our customers the opportunity to remotely work and log into their company’s database. This is the upgrade of accounting operations to the “cloud” (remote server). The benefits of upgrading to the cloud: accounting is being managed by our company, and the initial documents can be entered and printed by employees of your company. Working through the distance ensures prompt order and contract management, quick management of tasks for employees and their control, online reporting (warehouse balances, debt service providers, customer debt, etc.). We have two options for this solution.


Advantages of our specialists:

  • professional experience of at least 5 years for each employee;
  • employees have higher education;
  • we speak foreign languages ​​(English, Russian, Polish, German);
  • we regularly raise qualifications, participate in seminars;
  • our professional civil liability is insured by the insurance company Gjensidige.