Where Visas are issued?
An alien should apply for the issuance of a visa (whether Schengen or national) to a diplomatic mission or a consular post of the Republic of Lithuania abroad or to a diplomatic mission or a consular post of another Schengen State representing the Republic of Lithuania abroad. In this case, the alien may apply solely for the issuance of a Schengen visa and only where the alien is a citizen of a state wherein the diplomatic mission or the consular post of another Schengen State is located or a citizen of a third country holding a residence permit in this state.
The information about visas is provided in the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.urm.lt, section Consular Information.
The types of visas are the following:
What is an invitation letter?
A confirmed invitation of a legal or natural person for temporal arrival of an alien to the Republic of Lithuania is a document confirming the obligation of a legal or natural person of the Republic of Lithuania to look to it that an alien arriving to the Republic of Lithuania is properly accommodated during the period of his stay in the Republic of Lithuania while possessing a visa and in case of a need to cover the expenses of a return of an alien to his country of origin or to a foreign country where he has the right to go.
A natural personality’s invitation is confirmed by the local migration office of the police commissariat of the natural personality declared a place of residence in Lithuania, a legal personality’s invitation – by the local migration office of the legal personality registration place in Lithuania. Invitation is confirmed in 3 working days.
Residency in Lithuania
A temporary residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania means a document granting an alien the right to temporary reside in the Republic of Lithuania for a period specified in the permit.
The alien has the right to choose his/her place of residence in the Republic of Lithuania, change it, depart from and return to the Republic of Lithuania during the period of validity of the residence permit. The alien must give a notice of a change of his/ place of his/her residence to a Migration Service of a public police division at a territorial police agency (hereinafter – Migration Service) and should not forget that, under the Law on Declaration of the Place of Residence, a person must declare his/her departure when leaving from the Republic of Lithuania for a period exceeding six months.
A temporary residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania is issued to an alien who is a citizen of a non-EU Member State. It is usually issued for a period of one year, though it may also be issued for a shorter period.
The issue of having a temporary residence permit may grant a right to have the work permit. The work permit is not required for persons who work as a head of the company registered in Lithuania.
When issuing an alien a residence permit for the first time, the alien will usually be issued a temporary residence permit.
An alien who applies for the first time for the issue of a residence permit shall lodge an application for the issue of a residence permit with the diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Lithuania abroad.
A temporary residence permit for one year may be issued to an alien who intends to engage in lawful activities in Lithuania.
Grounds to receive a TRP
For person participating in the implementation of nuclear power plant project.
For futher information please contact us: office@inpaklis.com
Employment of non-Lithuanian Residents
There is a certain procedure which shall be applied in the cases of employing a foreigner. One month prior employment a Lithuanian registered enterprise must register free working place at the local labor exchange and apply for the issue of a work permit. In the cases when the established company in the Republic of Lithuania is under bankruptcy the right to apply for the work permit is not possible.
The procedure goes as follows: labor exchange passes a positive decision and its conclusion is submitted to the Lithuanian Labor Exchange, which passes a final decision and issues a work permit to the foreigner. The application, depending on qualification of the future foreign employee may take from one to two months. If the application is approved, work permit for a foreign employee will be valid up to 2 years.